Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Company: Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Address: Hamburgerstr. 9, 1050 Wien, Österreich
Contact: Lydia Brandtner, lydia.brandtner@poerner.at, 0043505899718

The company is / was already working on construction / consulting projects abroad

International construction / consulting projects are more private orders.

The proportion of international funding (e.g. World Bank, EU, EBRD etc.) for orders abroad is low / not very relevant.

The following multipliers or networking activities abroad helped the company with orders or were important: Austrian Chamber of Commerce

The company sees great export opportunities for its services in the following countries: CIS / Russia, Orient / Asia

Why? Long-term business relationships

In the following regions, the company has been / was most successful in international construction / consulting projects: Austria, Germany. Russia, India.

The company has been / was most successful in international construction / consulting projects in the following areas: Industrial technology / building technology.

The company is active in the following areas: industrial technology / building technology, energy consulting. Process engineering, process engineering plant construction.

The company has more than 100 employees.

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