VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH

Address: Untere Viaduktgasse 2, 1030 Wien
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Robert Schedler

The company is / was already working on construction / consulting projects abroad.

International construction / consulting projects are more private orders.

The proportion or relevance of international funding for orders abroad is rather low or not very relevant (among other things World Bank, EU, EBRD etc.)

The following multipliers or networking activities abroad helped VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH with orders or were important: networking with other Austrian companies in the respective markets and then docking with the local market Export opportunities for a service: Germany, CEE, Africa, Benelux, Scandinavia.

Why? Great need and demand for know-how of the company.

Potential clients in these countries could be: Infrastructure managers, local construction groups and consultants

In the following regions, the company has been the most successful in international construction / consulting projects: Germany, Netherlands, Asia: Middle East, Qatar, Turkmenistan

The company is / was in the following areas most successful in international construction / consulting projects: Infrastructure (civil engineering), monitoring of bridges

The company VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH is active in the following areas: Building construction, infrastructure (civil engineering)

The company has more than 100 employees.

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